1. Introduction:
Introduction:Information Technology (IT) is emerging field in the engineering and technology sector. Many peoplein the developed countries, developing countries and under developed countries have been givenemphasis for the broader application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This fieldhas been helping the world for the socio-economic development and it has been creating jobsopportunities both in public and private sectors as well as has been creating self-employmentopportunities immensely. IT jobs are the top most earning job on global market and knowledge baseindustries are the new destination of economic growth.This curriculum is designed with the purpose of producing middle level technical workforce equippedwith knowledge and skills related to the areas of IT so as to meet the demand of such workforce in thecountry to contribute in the national streamline of poverty reduction of our country Nepal. This skillsand knowledge included in this curriculum will be successful to deliver the individual needs and theneeds in the field of IT.
2. Curriculum title:Diploma in Information Technology (DIT)
3. Objectives:This curriculum has the following objectives:·
- To produce middle level competent technical workforce/human resources that could provide services to the public and private organizations in the field of IT.
- To prepare such technicians who are able to work in public and private organizations ingeneral communication, banking and business sectors in particular.
- To prepare such technical workforce who will demonstrate positive attitude and respectfor the profession and socio-cultural values.
- To help in meeting the demand of such technical workforce required for the public andprivate organizations of Nepal.
- To reduce the dependence on employing such technicians from foreign countries.· To create self-employment opportunities immensely.
4. Program description:This course is based on the job required to perform by the information related technician at differentrelated industries and organizations in Nepal. Therefore, this curriculum is designed to provideknowledge and skills focusing on Information Technology related to the occupation. The Diploma inInformation Technology program extends over three years. Each year is divided into two semesters.There are six semesters in total within the period of three years. The first year course focuses onfoundational subjects; the second year course focuses on basic disciplinary subjects of Information Technology. Similarly, the third year comprises of the disciplinary subjects including electives.Moreover, the third year focuses on the application of learned skills and knowledge as the minor andmajor projects.The foundation subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are included and which areapplicable in the field of Information Technology. It also includes language subjects like Nepali andEnglish applicable for the communication in the same area. The disciplinary subjects are offered inthis program in all semesters. It makes provision of major and minor projects as well as electivesubjects in the specific areas of IT. In short, this curriculum will guide its implementers to producecompetent and highly employable middle level technical workforce in the field of informationtechnology.The contents of individual subjects prescribed in the curriculum are incorporated in the light of "mustto know and must to do" principle of knowledge and skills for this level.
5. Duration:The total duration of this program is three years. Each year consists of two semesters of six months.Moreover, one semester consists of 19.5 academic weeks including the evaluation period. Actualteaching learning hours will be not less than 15 weeks in each semester. There is a provision of backpaper; however, students must pass all the subjects of all six semesters within six years from the dateof enrolment.
6. Group size:The group size is maximum 48 (Forty eight) students in a batch.
7. Entry criteria:· SLC or equivalent with English, Science and Mathematics or related TSLC or as per CTEVTrules· Should pass entrance examination as administered by CTEVT8. Medium of instruction:The medium of instruction is in English and/or Nepali.9. Pattern of attendance:Minimum 90% of attendance in each subject is required to appear in the respective final examination.
Curriculum Structure