Principal's Message

sudip adhikary1

This website is designed to introduce you to Manmohan Memorial Polytechnic. We at MMP are confident that you will explore and attain your maximum potential with our inputs and assistance.

We provide considerable number of laboratory work, workshop exercises and assignments that will refine the skills of the students further to compete the labor market nationally and internationally.

MMP is a name that is surely to be established as the pioneer and center of excellence in the technical education sector of Nepal.

We offer the latest and the most relevant curriculum designed by CTEVT for MMP involving the most experienced professionals. We provide state-of-art facilities and services to our students and faculty. We the faculty are eager to enhance your practical skills and learning experience at MMP.

- Er. Sudip Adhikary

Contact Us

Manmohan Memorial Polytechnic
Budhiganga-4, Morang
Koshi Province, Nepal
Phone: +977 21 622058, +977 21 420876

Contact Office
Manmohan Memorial Foundation
Sanepa, Latitpur- 02, Nepal
Phone: +977 1 5544669

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